Aoke Botai develops, produces and markets monoclonal antibodies and antigens for IVD industry since 2002. ISO19001-2016/ISO9001:2015 certified company.
We are the first company in China to develop a pair of monoclonal antibodies to detect HbeAg.
Focusing on providing reagent raw materials for IVD customers, we have launched 50+ high-quality monoclonal antibody projects and 40+ high-quality antigen projects,the number continues growing ever year.The newly launched CRP project has exceeded the requirements of the industry.In Hepatitis B and secondary antibody field we keep the leading position in China.
We are the strategic partner of many IVD large reagent manufacturers in China.In tumor marker, cardiovascular, inflammation, infectious diseases, hormones, kidney marker application our antibodies are proved to be comparable with top international brands.
ISO9001 Certificiation
Add: 5Floor, 25th Building,Optical Valley International Biomedical accelerator, Wuhan,China
Copyright © WuHan AoKe BoTai Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
鄂ICP备18026842号-1 鄂ICP备18026842号-2
Technical:RuiTuoRongYAO Wuhan Branch