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    Heparin binding protein (HBP)

    HBP is a granular protein derived from polynuclear neutrophils. The biosynthetic HBP in neutrophils is rapidly released under the stimulation of bacteria, resulting in increased vascular permeability and edema.

    Monoclonal Antibody

    Recombinant Protein

    Procalcitonin (PCT)

    PCT is a substance produced by many types of cells in the body, often in response to bacterial infections but also in response to tissue injury. 

    Monoclonal Antibody

    Recombinant Protein

    Interleukin6 (IL-6)

    IL-6 promptly and transiently produced in response to infections and tissue injuries, contributes to host defense through the stimulation of acute phase responses, hematopoiesis, and immune reactions.

    Monoclonal Antibody

    Recombinant Protein

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